Landlord TAP – Liability for Water Bills

As from 1st January 2015 there is a legal obligation on landlords of properties located in the Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) and Dee Valley Water areas to inform their water company of their tenant’s details. The requirement to provide details allows the Welsh Government to collate a database of tenanted properties. This will, it is hoped, make it easier for the water companies to locate tenants who fail to pay their bills and, thus, reduce the bad debt.

It is worth noting that a website is now available, the Landlord Tenant Address Portal (“Landlord TAP”) which provides a voluntary scheme to cover England and Wales for landlords to provide tenants’ contact details to water companies. Completion of forms on the website will provide the water companies with the details of those responsible (the tenants) for the payment of water and/or sewerage charges. It also allows landlords to notify the water companies as to when a property becomes empty or is sold.